Monday, May 21, 2012

Speed Racer - The Original TV Theme Song (Vintage)

Speed Racer - The Original TV Theme Song (Vintage)

Uploaded by  on May 11, 2008
Just to get you ready...

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  • Should have been in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom.
see all

All Comments (144)

  • <3 'nuff said
  • the voice of chim chim is a lady and the voyioce of rodpolgh is a lady the voice of bart is a lady she tried for the girl but they later on decided to let her do barts voice instead :)
  • maybe but my guess like memory kodak polraide magic songs you like in time capsule fun:) you will never for get like hymm books or maltplaycatioon numbers or riding a bike once your braing learns it never forgets inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun same bat time same bat channel and one time it said same cat time same cat channel holy bat mites batman up up in away its superman or super boy and his dog krepto your friendly neoghbor hood spidrman green lanterns
  • nice idea thought but if i remmber right all thsse cxars faling apasrt blowing up its a inside job a person who doesnt like cars only horses
  • cool my favote cool catrtton tv seris along with my cool favote cartoon popeye my mom knew this to find family time with me how cool huh:) my dad had fun by saying bill magic special on or thers julggers on jonny carsoon:)
  • the worst cartoon EVER! insipid dialogue stupid icky sidekick (his kid brother) and that awfull repulsive chimp thank goodness for the gory violence:) 
  • This is so original to bad there's just pictures for this I remember the Trans Lux at the begining not the hot wheels like writing the original Trans Lux was so much better by far!