Thursday, May 24, 2012

#Syria left without U.N. bank account, banks are refusing to let Syria open account,

Brian Gauspohl

5:57 PM  -  Public
#Syria left without a United Nations bank account

US banks are refusing to let Syria’s UN delegation open a bank account, its ambassador said Thursday blaming sanctions imposed over the conflict in his country.
Syria left without U.N. bank account »
American banks are refusing to let Syria’s United Nations delegation open a bank account, its ambassador said Thursday blaming sanctions imposed over the conflict in his country. Syria’...
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Robby Ball

1:18 PM  -  
+1'd on
  -  Public
May23: #UN official warns of third party in #Syria, referring to extremist groups, but didn't name any »
#UN official warns of third party in #Syria, referring to extremist groups, but didn't name any. UN official warns of third party in Syria · Ninemsn - 4:09 PM. At least 20 people have been killed ...
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