Wednesday, May 2, 2012

#Syria A terrifying scenario emerges from the ceaseless escalation of pressures and threats against Syria and Iran,

John G. Dryden

7:13 AM  -    -  Public
" A terrifying scenario emerges from the ceaseless escalation of pressures and threats against Syria and Iran, pitting, for the first time since the NATO-OECD Empire won the Cold War two decades ago, the Western trio of the UN veto club (U.S., U.K., France) against its non-Western duo (Russia and China)."
The Empire vs. Iran (and Syria): A New World War for a New World Order? | »
Confronted with a declining World Order it can no longer control, does the West want to re-assert its will through a new world war, which this time would be really global? A terrifying scenario emerge...
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While diplomats argued over details of Annan’s peace plan, Syrian tanks and helicopters attacked one town in Idlib after another. Everywhere we went, we saw burnt and destroyed houses, shops, and cars, and heard from people whose relatives were killed. It was as if the Syrian government forces used every minute before the ceasefire to cause harm.
Syria: War Crimes in Idlib During Peace Negotiations Executions, Destruction of Property, and Arbitrary Detentions While diplomats argued over details of Annan's peace plan, Syrian tanks and helicopters attacked one town in Idlib after another. Everywhere we went, we saw burnt and destroyed houses, shops, and cars, and heard from people whose relatives were killed. It was as if the Syrian government forces used every minute before the ceasefire to cause harm.
aj ziad1:29 AM (edited)
president of syria bashar al-assad is big ass ,,,,his mind inside his ass G҇◕҉҈◕҇GLE҇Ƹ҈҈҉Ӝ҈҉Ʒ҇ this is truth