Wednesday, May 2, 2012

#syria #turkey Turkish soldiers guard sacred tomb in Syria » It's a tiny plot of Turkey deep within violence-torn Syria - a sacred mausoleum

Turkish soldiers guard sacred tomb in Syria »
It's a tiny plot of Turkey deep within violence-torn Syria - a sacred mausoleum guarded by Turkish troops.
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Hürriyet Daily

9:15 AM  -  Public
GİLA BENMAYOR - Turkish rakı takes the stage in Europe »
Garip Yorgancıoğlu, the CEO of Mey İçki, which was sold to the British alcoholic drinks giant Diageo for 1.5 million euros about a year ago ...
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Hürriyet Daily

8:56 AM  -  Public
LOCAL - Hundreds of students poisoned by state distributed milk around Turkey »
A number of students in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır have ...