Thursday, May 17, 2012

Video #NDAA So what exactly is the NDAA? History and implications of this totalitarian-leaning legislation.

H Comet

May 13, 2012  -  Public
Jason Hurtado Daniels originally shared this post:
So what exactly is the NDAA?

And why does +Jason Hurtado Daniels
keep railing on about it?

This piece is from Ron Paul's organization,
but I think it does a pretty fair job of
presenting the history and implications
of this totalitarian-leaning legislation.
Reality Check Special: National Defense Authorization Act, Did the President authorize provisions in the NDAA, Does the President have the authority to order and assassination, The Enemy Expatriation Act
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Pretty cool. My humble YouTube channel, mostly dedicated to raising #NDAAand #CISPA awareness, is up to 408,299 views.
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This is the home of The DL Show! Bookmark us: David Seaman is a frequent contributor to Business Insider and SuicideGirls. He has been a lively guest on CNN Headline News, FOX News, ABC Ne...
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Chris Dyer

May 12, 2012  -  Public