Saturday, June 9, 2012

Argentina, Venezuela book Olympic spots, Following a spectacular show of beach volleyball at the 2012 CSV Continental Cup finals in Santa Fe

Ryan Housy

Jun 5, 2012  -  Public
Argentina, Venezuela book Olympic spots – Volleyball news »
Following a spectacular show of beach volleyball at the 2012 CSV Continental Cup finals in Santa Fe, Argentina and Venezuela, the female duos from Argentina and men's tandems from Venezuela clawed...
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Irina Tcherednichenko

1:36 AM  -  
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No comment :) 
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez rewards his three millionth follower on Twitter with a new house - Telegraph »
A young woman in Venezuela has been rewarded with a new home by President Hugo Chavez for becoming his three millionth follower on Twitter.
Irina Tcherednichenko2:24 AM (edited)
When your check book is the country's oil company money, you can do miracles!
Samia Elsaid2:37 AM
were i in her place,would i get nationality as well??hilarious politicians!!
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RT en Español

12:13 AM  -  Public
El Banco Mundial, inscrito en la presión mediática sobre Venezuela y otros países de Latinoamérica »
Los días de Hugo Chávez "están contados", según el presidente del Banco Mundial. Por su parte el ministro de Información de Venezuela ha comentado que dicha institución es "un instrumento del sistema ...
Ignacio de la Rosa Nieto6:30 AM
Aquí en España en Caída libre y Venezuela floreciendo gracias al impulso de Chavez.
Manuel Gonzalo Anteliz Torres6:45 AM
Chávez y el pueblo, la unidad es importantisima, en España las élites pisotean al pueblo
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Jack Stanley

Jun 7, 2012  -  
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Wonder why it took him this long, first item on the list is to disarm the sheeple for your own good.
With UN Support, Socialist Chavez Disarms Civilians in Venezuela »
The regime of socialist strongman Hugo Chavez, with UN aid, is waging all-out war on private firearm ownership, supposedly in an eff