Saturday, June 2, 2012

#Egypt #Tahrir Square, Now, everyone in Egypt is worried about: the economy, jobs and stability

Egypt, Tahrir Square, Now
Hassan Al Shouli4:55 PM (edited)
+MJ Lloyd-Reynolds I am cynical and suspect that he may land up in a seaside villa (as to tears, who knows / cares). What matters is the military dropping its hold on politics and civilian life, the presidential election, the new constitution ... and then what everyone in Egypt is worried about: the economy, jobs and stability. As for the medium term, there is another election in 2016 and by then, if things go well, the mix of parties and options could be very different. 
Heinrich C. Kuhn5:41 PM
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Egypt's ex-president Hosni Mubarak has been handed a life sentence for complicity in the killings of protesters in last year's uprising.

Mubarak, the first Arab leader to be tried by his own people since the wave of uprising began in Tunisia in late 2010, was found guilty for his role in the killing of some 900 protesters during the 18-day revolt that overthrew him on February 11, 2011.

His interior minister, Habib al-Adli, and six former security aides are standing the same trial.
Mubarak gets life term for protester murders »
Egypt's ex-president sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity in killing of protesters in last year's uprising.
shakeya hicks5:09 PM
i don't get how things are with people like him
André Smith6:48 PM
Hopefully Egypt will be able to move past this point in their history
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