Here is the entire Text:
I am Syrian and am FREE, so we're all my forefathers.
The article you are looking at was pulled by me ( I unpublished) shortly after the events started, and I live here in USA. My father and our entire family ran away to America in the 70's and I have no love for the Previous Assad regime, most of whom are still in power - up until March 14th of 2011 - the entire country had nothing to say but nice about how proud we were to have this proud Young couple modernizing Syria... and trying to clean the corrupt Syrians out of power ( mostly his relatives and uncles) which is proving difficult.
Meantime, to understand Syria, you need to understand its religious makeup:
About 22,000,000 as follows:
Sunnis (follow teachings of the Saudis) 16 million, if we have a REAL democracy, we will have One vote like what happened in Gazza.... Remember how much hope we had for Gazza?
Then we have About 3,000,000 Allwaits (sort of Shea like Iran they believe in the importance of Ali... But don't kid yourself, No Syrian loves the Farsey although they have an economic and military alliance with them... They are NOT Arabs and Syrians Have fought many wars with the Iranians over the years....
Christians make up about 2,500,000 I am one of those...
The Balance is Druse, Turks, Armenians, kurds, Jews and so on...we lived happily side by side...
See this video:
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