Jeff Zimmerman
1:05 PM - PublicTouchy Subject for heres my take on it..
Many Jewish People have been Demcrats for years and for Generations..It is a very Difficult Issue to refuse to Support the Pres when he is a member of your Party...The Republican Jews may have switched sides to Romney Since he is a more Devoted person Towards Israel..Jewish Dems are Dedicated to a Peaceful Solution..Even Mormons Baptize Dead Jewish People..
Many Jewish People have been Demcrats for years and for Generations..It is a very Difficult Issue to refuse to Support the Pres when he is a member of your Party...The Republican Jews may have switched sides to Romney Since he is a more Devoted person Towards Israel..Jewish Dems are Dedicated to a Peaceful Solution..Even Mormons Baptize Dead Jewish People..
Dave Hill1:14 PM
I suspect a big part of it is conservative fearmongering of Obama as, somehow, "anti-Israel" (which is utterly laughable).
Jeff Zimmerman1:28 PM
His main hope is the gullible groupies wont do any research, fact finding, or data gathering. As long as they continue to only listen to what they want to hear, not what the facts are, he still has a glimmer of hope.
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Ron Parish
12:02 AM - - PublicThe edge needs to keep dropping. There is no reason to put the president back in office.
@FloridaJayhawk: Obama’s Edge With Jewish-Americans Drops 10 Points Since 2008: [caption id="attachment_326086" align="aligncente...
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@FloridaJayhawk: Obama’s Edge With Jewish-Americans Drops 10 Points Since 2008: [caption id="attachment_326086" align="aligncente...
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Matt Hunnicutt2:03 AM
Whenever I see poll numbers anymore, the thought that comes to mind first, is that we are truly a house divided...
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H Comet
Jun 4, 2012 - Public"Well over a year into the #ArabSpring, the author and scholar#NormanFinkelstein argues that there is a new, albeit quieter awakening happening here in the United States that could provide a major boost to the winds of change in the Middle East. In his new book, "Knowing Too Much: Why the American Jewish Romance with Israel is Coming to an End," Finkelstein contends that American Jewish support for the Israeli government is undergoing a major shift."
+Democracy Now! #Israel #AIPAC #Obama #Zionism
Norman Finkelstein on Why Obama Doesn't Believe His Own Words on Israel-Palestine. 1 of 2
Norman Finkelstein on Why Obama Doesn't Believe His Own Words on Israel-Palestine. 2
+Democracy Now! #Israel #AIPAC #Obama #Zionism
Norman Finkelstein on Why Obama Doesn't Believe His Own Words on Israel-Palestine. 1 of 2
Norman Finkelstein on Why Obama Doesn't Believe His Own Words on Israel-Palestine. 2
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