Darryl Van Gaal
6:37 PM (edited) - PublicApparently I pulled the trigger either late for last week or early for this week..... so I deleted the post and waited until today!
Here is the release of the special +Gary Munroe edition of Planet of the Apes. Overall the movie was a little "Weak", but Gary's talent was obvious, his performance was like a "Piece of Bacon" among tofu!
Movie Mashup Tuesday is curated by +Mark Rodriguez +Isabelle Fortin +shane holsclaw and +Chrysta Rae
+Movie Mashup Tuesday
Here is the release of the special +Gary Munroe edition of Planet of the Apes. Overall the movie was a little "Weak", but Gary's talent was obvious, his performance was like a "Piece of Bacon" among tofu!
Movie Mashup Tuesday is curated by +Mark Rodriguez +Isabelle Fortin +shane holsclaw and +Chrysta Rae
+Movie Mashup Tuesday
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