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With a vote looming to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, a House committee chairman is challenging President Barack Obama's claim of executive privilege, invoked to maintain secrecy for some documents related to a failed gun-tracking operation.
Alexa Antonaras12:23 PM
+T Alexander So because I criticize two parties, then I must be doing something to change it, like that is my responsibility. This is common for people to say when you don't favor their way of thinking. I'm trying to do things, and I have been involved in solutions for a while.
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Scott Cramer
7:11 AM - - PublicDon't go into the frickin' barn!
LMAO at that line. It would be even funnier if it were not so darn true. :-/
The Mandate Is the Perfect Symbol of the Central Mistake of Obama Administration: via HuffPost
LMAO at that line. It would be even funnier if it were not so darn true. :-/
The Mandate Is the Perfect Symbol of the Central Mistake of Obama Administration: via HuffPost
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