Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama campaign admits doubt about Obamacare ruling

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Obama campaign admits doubt about Obamacare ruling: Joel Gehrke President Obama’s campaign admitted doubt today ...

Obama campaign admits doubt about Obamacare ruling

June 28, 2012 
President Obama’s campaign admitted doubt today about how the Supreme Court will rule on Obamacare today, despite months of the president predicting that the law would be upheld.
“We don’t know what will happen this morning. But no matter what, today is an important day to have Barack Obama’s back,” Obama campaign manager Jim Messina wrote about “today’s decision” in a fundraising email.
Yesterday, Obama’s official spokesman reiterated the White House’s position that the law is constitutional. “Several very prominent conservative jurists have ruled in favor of the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act because of their view of that precedent,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. “And we are confident that the law is constitutional, and I think that’s what the President has been referring to, and that’s why we’re focused on implementing the law.”
Obama’s confidence has been imitated throughout the Democratic Party. “Six-three,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has said repeatedly in predicting that the Supreme Court will uphold the law by a 6-3 vote. “This bill is ironclad. It is ironclad,” she said during a May press briefing.