Thursday, June 7, 2012

#Ray #Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451 has died at the age of 91 in Los Angeles, California, Tuesday night

Casey McKinnon

5:41 PM  -  Public
Sweet way to remember Ray Bradbury.
Through the years, Ray Bradbury attended several major space mission events at JPL/Caltech. On Nov. 12, 1971, on the eve of Mariner 9 going into orbit at Mars, Bradbury took part in a symposium at Caltech with Arthur C. Clarke, journalist Walter Sullivan, and scientists Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray. In this excerpt, Bradbury reads his poem, "If Only We Had Taller Been."
mario di liscia6:29 PM
yes +Casey McKinnon , very true, he made +Michael McIntyre ) comment completely out of place, it is regrettable..... and very unpleasant
Grady Yandell6:35 PM
Great imagination. I would respectfully offer my condolences to his family and friends.
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How Ray Bradbury Inspired 
A Mars rover driver pays tribute to author and visionary, Ray Bradbury.
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John Wiggins

6:30 PM  -  Public
I'm sure everyone knows this by now but I didn't:

Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451, the dystopian novel about the logical conclusion of many trends in modern society, and many other works that have inspired fans of speculative fiction for decades, has died at the age of 91 in Los Angeles, California, Tuesday night, June 5th, 2012. No details on how he died were released, but I suspect it may have had something to do with the Earth orbiting the sun over 90 times since he was born. I guess we'll have to wait to be sure.
Author Ray Bradbury dies, aged 91 »
Ray Bradbury, author of science fiction classics Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles, dies in Los Angeles, his daughter confirms.
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Romana Challans

6:19 PM  -  Public
the lovely neil gaiman remembers the amazing ray bradbury. and i get a happy AND a sad.
A man who won't forget Ray Bradbury »
Fantasy writer Neil Gaiman remembers his friend Ray Bradbury who has died at the age of 91
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