Jamie Partridge
8:40 PM - - PublicAssad: “We are in a state of real war”
The Syria Horoscope has Mars conjunct Uranus on the fixed star Prima Hyadum “With Mars: Abrupt, brave, aggressive, courageous”
July 11 and 12, transiting Jupiter will pass over the Syrian Mars Uranus conjunction which should increase hostilities, likely increasing for the week leading up to the conjunction.
The Syria Horoscope has Mars conjunct Uranus on the fixed star Prima Hyadum “With Mars: Abrupt, brave, aggressive, courageous”
July 11 and 12, transiting Jupiter will pass over the Syrian Mars Uranus conjunction which should increase hostilities, likely increasing for the week leading up to the conjunction.
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Amid Yousef
8:04 PM - PublicWOMEN*'s rights everywhere, be proud of *SYRIA as 270 AD Queen Zenobia ruled and Built Palmyra. Not every Syria Story you read means well for Syria. Many Fake stories and mostly by outsiders. As a SYRIAN sees it:
A Syrians View Of The Events and the TRUTH In Syria as I see it...
A Syrians View Of The Events and the TRUTH In Syria as I see it...
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