Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Tax? What? #ACA is upheld, individual mandate "may" be upheld as a tax, John Roberts reportedly voted to save

Tiny Klout Flag52John Aravosis ‏@aravosis
Chief Justice John Roberts reportedly voted to save ObamaCare via 

SCOTUS blog says ACA is upheld, individual mandate "may" be upheld as a tax

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More from SCOTUSblog:
The money quote from the section on the mandate: Our precedent demonstrates that Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it.
ENTIRE LAW HAS BEEN UPHELD, PER CNN. SCOTUSblog says "Chief Justice Roberts voted to save the ACA."

"The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government's power to terminate states' Medicaid funds is narrowly read."

Stay tuned. SCOTUSblog is saying the mandate may have survived as a tax.

Yes, confirmed, the mandate does survive as a tax. Still not clear if legislative action is needed.

The news problem here is that the court hands out paper copies of the decision and everyone is trying to read it now to figure out what it does. A bit of a silly way to do this.

SCOTUSblog says the Medicaid provision is "limited but not invalidated."