Thursday, June 28, 2012

Turkey has sent missile batteries, tanks and troops to the border with Syria as a "security corridor",

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Turkey sends missile batteries to tense Syria border

Turkey sends missile batteries to tense Syria border

Turkish military trucks carry missile batteries on June 28, 2012 in the center of Hatay. AFP
Turkey has sent missile batteries, tanks and troops to the border with Syria as a "security corridor", almost a week after the Syrian downing of a Turkish military jet, media reports said Thursday.

There was no official confirmation of the military moves, which came after Turkey branded its former ally a "clear and imminent threat" following Friday's attack over the Mediterranean.
About 30 military vehicles accompanied by a truck towing missile batteries left a base in the southeastern province of Hatay for the border, about 50 kilometres (30 miles) away, the Milliyet newspaper reported.