A very interesting find by @davidakin the other day re: fundraising in the US http://bit.ly/LzQyeh
3:44 PM - 5 Jul 12 via web · Details
Daily Beast reports: A desperate Obama pleads for campaign cash
The Daily Beast‘s Lloyd Grove gets his hands on an 18-minute telephone call US President Barack Obama made to big Democratic donors. The call was placed while Obama was on Air Force One. In it, Obama warns that Romney and his SuperPAC allies are killing the Dems when it comes to fundraising:
“The majority on this call maxed out to my campaign last time. I really need you to do the same this time,” the president said in a highly unusual (and presumably legal) fundraising pitch from Air Force One on his way back to Washington from Colorado Springs, where he’d been assessing the terrible damage caused by uncontained wildfires. A special phone on the government aircraft is dedicated to political calls that are paid for by the campaign.“I’m asking you to meet or exceed what you did in 2008,” the presidential pitchman continued, speaking to donors who were invited to dial in based on their contributions during the last election. “Because we’re going to have to deal with these super-PACs in a serious way. And if we don’t, frankly I think the political [scene] is going to be changed permanently. Because the special interests that are financing my opponent’s campaign are just going to consolidate themselves. They’re gonna run Congress and the White House.”