Monday: A Israeli attack against Iran's nuke program would be a huge, complex operation, unlike strikes on Syria and Iraq
Monday: Paul Ryan has me JAZZED. The Monday blog post is UP! GoHeyJudy!: The GOP Is More Than Energized
Monday: Top 10 Donors Financing Obama’s Super PAC Smears responsible for outrageous Obama Super PAC ad
Monday: #Syria "most likely" be suspended from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Monday: Obama Camp Panics Over Romney Crowd Size - 2012 Election
Monday: Romney Campaign Fundraising $3.5 M Within 24 Hours Of Ryan Pick, $5 mil in two days in NJ
Monday: Obama, Romney in dead heat in Missouri, poll finds
Sunday: Video #Mitt #Romney Shares Moving Story of the World Trade Center Flag at the Olympics
Sunday: The @WSJ will be live-blogging Romney and Ryan on 60 Minutes at 7 pm ET. Should be a good one
Sunday: Sarah Palin congratulates Romney on Ryan, annot afford four more years of Barack Obama
Sunday: Mitt Romney and his new running mate Paul Ryan hit the road inNorth Carolina. Listen
Sunday: #teaparty Democrats worried they can’t fill Bank of America Stadium for #Obama’s acceptance speech
Sunday: The Ad Obama And His Lawyers Don't Want You To See!: #RomneyRyan2012 #gop
Sunday: Iran #Earthquake trying to dig survivors out of the rubble of villages levelled by two powerful earthquakes, northeast of the city of Tabriz
Sunday: Paul Ryan's Old-Fashioned American Vision He cherishes the old-fashioned values of a faithful family man.
Gerrrr!: #Tea Party Sets Its Sights on the Senate Ted Cruz in Texas, Deb Fischer in Nebraska and Richard Mourdock in Indiana.
Saturday: US military journals are writing about 2nd #CivilWar & telling officers to prepare to fight Americans. #OWS #TeaParty
Monday: I don't recall a vice presidential pick which has so energized the party #Limbaugh #Ryan,
Monday: Kurds push for future in post-Assad era | Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel Hamid reports from Qamishli in northeastern #Syria
Monday: Organization of Islamic Cooperation suspends #Syria’s membership
Romney Campaign Fundraising $3.5 M Within 24 Hours Of Ryan Pick, $5 mil in two days in NJ #News
Sunday: he first interview with Mitt Romney and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan is tonight at 7 p.m. ET/PT on #60Minutes
Sunday: Tweets on Romney/Obama In past 1hr 4584/1657 1day 74k/49k 7days 449K/ 431K
Sunday: Sarah Palin Congratulations to Mitt Romney on his choice of Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate.
Sunday: #RomneyRyan2012 MEET THE PRESS: Rachel Maddow was SPEECHLESS when Lowry asked her Obama Budget Q's!!! Romney = WINNING!!!