Monday, August 27, 2012

#Michigan Mitchell Research says Romney moved into a tie with Obama with each having 47%

President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney are tied in Michiganaccording to a new survey

President Obama and Mitt Romney / AP PHOTOS

TAMPA – A new poll suggests that as the Republican NationalConvention gets ready to begin, presumptive nominee Mitt Romney is tied in Michigan with President Barack Obama.
A Mitchell Research poll released Sunday night showed the two tied with each having 47%. Three percent said they would support someone else and 3% were undecided.
The poll which was done by Mitchell Research of East Lansing surveyed 1,277 likely voters last Thursday and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
“Romney has solidified his lead with Republicans and has moved back into a tie with Obama as a result of a big shift in men toward his candidacy,” said pollster Steve Mitchell. “He has also gained with independent voters.”
President Obama and Mitt Romney
Just 10 days ago, Obama led Romney in the Mitchell Research poll by 5%, 49% to 44%.
Romney, who grew up in Michigan and later became governor of Massachusetts, is to be nominated as the Republican’s choice for president this week in Tampa