Friday, August 3, 2012

Obama authorizes secret U.S. support for Syrian rebels » to depose Syrian President

Tim Johnson

10:57 AM  -  Public
Maybe they should put quote marks around the word "secret".

tl;dr - The US has authorized support for the rebels, but is not at this time providing them with weapons.

#news #syria  
Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret U.S. support for Syrian rebels »
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, U.S. sources familiar...
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Wael Daou

8:08 AM  -  
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WR News – Russia blames US for Annan resignation as envoy for Syria crisis »
Russia has blamed the United States for the resignation of Kofi Annan as the joint United Nations and Arab League envoy for the Syria crisis, Press TV reports. “When yesterday the Washington Post came...
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Robby Ball

Yesterday 6:04 PM  -  
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Aug1: Video #Syria Kurban ve Katilleri morg'ta - 2 /18+ Syria - Hama Massacre Victim »
Keep track of all Trending Stories here or here follow all my social media on xeeme . Thursday, August 2, 2012. Video #Syria Kurban ve Katilleri morg'ta - 2 /18+ Syria - Hama Massacre Victim. Tiny Klo...
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The incident highlights the precarious situation of not just Palestinian refugees but all civilians in Syria who are increasingly getting caught in the crossfire of this bloody uprising that has claimed 19000 lives since it erupted in March 2011. Every day hundreds of civilians are uprooted by ...

Dragos-Cristian Gherasim

5:16 AM  -  Extended circles
I have a smol problems with that.
What shell said the European financiar team of interest with that?
Britain pledges to step up support for Syria rebels »
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain promised more non-military support for Syrian rebels on Friday after the resignation of envoy Kofi Annan highlighted the failure of international diplomacy to halt the 17-mo...