Aug5: Rhy Davies: Beachy Head, East Sussex Very cool

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Aug5: NASA couldn’t afford to let the live stream of its Mars rover Curiosity landing go untested.

Sunday: NASA - Celebrating Curiosity » Curiosity rover had landed safely on Mars and begun to send back images to NASA


Aug3: #Olympics Total Gold Medal Count: USA with 26, CHN with 25, GBR with 14

Aug3: Congrats to Gabrielle Douglas on winning GOLD in the All-Around Competition! #Olympics

Aug3: #Syria #Aleppo #Damascus Syrian forces hammer rebels from the air as battle for Aleppo rages on

Aug3: #Syria Russia voted "no" on Friday along with China, Syria, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Burma, Zimbabwe and Venezuela

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Sunday: #Egypt Morsi Declaired winner

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Aug6: ASA's #Curiosity rover touches down safely on Mars and sends back its first images

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Sunday: Peter Clifford Great day for British athletes - 6 gold medals - best UK Olympic day in 104 years.