And this from Fox!!! Fox News poll: Obama leads Romney by 9 via @USATODAY
6:16 PM - 8 Sep 12 · Details
By David Jackson, USA TODAY
Updated 2012-08-10 9:39 AM
AP photos
A new Fox News surveygives President Obama a 49%-40% lead over his Republican challenger, amid signs that Romney's favorable ratings are falling; last month, the same poll gave Obama only a 45%-41% lead.
The Fox poll emerged right after CNN announced a 52%-45% lead for Obama in its latest survey.
"The events of the past two weeks appear to have energized Democratic voters a bit," says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News poll with Democratic pollster Chris Anderson.
"But perhaps more critically," he added, "Romney's support among independents has declined. The Obama campaign has -- at least in the short term -- succeeded in raising questions about Romney's fitness to govern and in making this less of a referendum and more of a choice election."
From Fox News:
Mitt Romney has had a tough couple of weeks on the campaign trail -- and it shows in the latest Fox News poll. After a barrage of campaign ads, negative news coverage of his overseas trip and ongoing talk about his tax returns, Romney's favorable rating and standing in the trial ballot have declined. As a result, President Obama has opened his biggest lead since Romney became the presumptive Republican nominee. ...Obama's advantage comes largely from increased support among independents, who now pick him over Romney by 11 percentage points. Some 30 percent of independents are undecided. Last month, Obama had a four-point edge among independents, while Romney had the advantage from April through early June.There was also an uptick in support for Obama among women, blacks and Democrats.Four voters in 10 say they are "extremely" interested in the race. Among just those voters, the candidates are tied at 48 percent each.The Obama campaign has spent heavily on advertising attacking Romney's time at Bain Capital and his tax returns. And it appears to be working. Romney's favorable rating dropped six percentage points since last month and now sits at 46 percent, down from 52 percent in mid-July. At the same time his unfavorable rating went up five points. Romney's favorable rating has held steady among his party faithful, but it's down eight percentage points among independents and seven points among Democrats.Overall, 54 percent of voters have a positive view of Obama, matching his highest favorable rating in more than a year. Last month, it was 52 percent. Obama's current rating is nearly as high as four years ago, when 59 percent viewed him positively.
See photos of: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney