Key indicator! RT @HuffingtonPost: Americans would rather eat a burger with Obama than Romney, survey says

Americans Would Rather Eat A Burger With Obama Than Romney, Says...
Burger Poll Shows Americans Would Rather Eat A Burger With Obama Than Romney
The Huffington Post | By Joe Satran Posted: 10/23/2012 4:57 pm EDT Updated: 10/23/2012 11:58 pm EDT
Last night's debate on foreign policy taught America that there's basically no difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney when it comes to drone strikes or policy in Syria. But a recent poll of 2094 Americans conducted by fast casual chain Smashburger suggests that there's a big difference between the two candidates in at least one other measure other than silly things like domestic policy and experience: their appeal as dining companions.
The Smashburger pollsters asked respondents which of the two presidential candidates they'd prefer to eat a burger with. National polls about actual voting may be close these days, but this one wasn't. President Obama won by a landside, with a whopping 59 percent of respondents saying they'd pick him as a dining partner and just 41 percent opting for Romney.
Obama's support was particularly strong among the young, those living in the Midwest and those living in the Northeast. Romney performed best with Southerners and the elderly.
The poll also asked which former president would be respondents' first pick for a burger companion. Bill Clinton -- an avowed burger fan for years before he became a vegan -- led this pack with 22 percent of the vote. Clinton was followed by Lincoln (15 percent), JFK and Ronald Reagan (14 percent) and then Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt (5 percent).
This all may sound trivial -- and it obviously is, to some extent. But campaign teams actually spend a great deal of time and thought thinking about what Obama and Romney should eat on the campaign trail, often in an attempt to portray the candidates as folksy and relatable. So Obama's impressive victory in the burger poll -- if it can't be chalked up to some sort of skew in the sample -- could be a sign that his campaign has done a better job making him come off as a real person than Romney's has. Or it could just be a sign that a lot of Americans like to drink beer with their burgers, and don't like to drink alone.