Aspiring Dictator Morsi Falsely Claims 90% of Egypt Stands By Him
8:05 PM - 28 Nov 12 · Details
Aspiring Dictator Morsi Falsely Claims 90% of Egypt Stands By Him
An estimated 100,000 Egyptians protested against Morsi's decree at Tahrir Square on November 27, 2012. Source of photo: Photograph: Mo OHAMED ABD EL GHANY/REUTERS.
You thought Obama, Romney, and Netanyahu were bad liars?
An excerpt from Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's interview with Time Magazine:
On whether, in hindsight, he would have handled his decree differently: Oh, no, I don’t see the situation this way. What I can see now is, the Egyptians are free. They are raising their voices when they are opposing the President and when they are opposing what’s going on. And this is very important. It’s their right to express and to raise their voices and express their feelings and attitudes. But it’s my responsibility. I see things more than they do. I think you have seen the most recent opinion surveys—I think more than 80%, around 90%, of the people in Egypt are, according to these opinion measures, they are with what I have done. It’s not against the people, it’s with the people, coincides with the benefits. There is some difference between what’s happening now in expressing the opinions of the people and what happened in January 2011 [during the uprising against then President Hosni Mubarak]. There is now some violence that we haven’t seen before, which constitutes something bad going on.Morsi is living in fantasyland. Not even 50% of Egypt supports him. The writer "b" of Moon of Alabama explains why in an article called, "Egypt: Still Time For Compromises?" An excerpt:
This is my responsibility, but in general the expression is O.K. But there is some violence. Also, there is some relation shared between these violent acts and some symbols of the previous regime. I think you and I — I have more information, but you can feel that there is something like this in this matter.
I’m sure Egyptians will pass through this. We’re learning. We’re learning how to be free.
Morsi was elected with some 51% of the 50% of the Egyptian electorate that voted. That is not what I would call a clear mandate. It is at maximum a caretaker position. But that wasn't enough for him. With the power in the parliament the MB stuffed the constitutional assembly with its own people and ignored the opposition. Some of yesterday's protesters had voted for Morsi but are now dissatisfied with them. I doubt that the MB and Morsi still have a majority of Egyptians behind them.