Monday, November 26, 2012

#Syria rebels capture a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates River, strategic facility

 rebels capture a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates River in the country's north after days of heavy fighting 
Syrian rebels capture a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates River in the country's north after days of heavy fighting
Syrian rebels on Monday captured a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates River in the country's north after days of heavy fighting, seizing crates of ammunition from the government troops who were protecting the strategic facility in the latest battlefield success for opposition fighters, activists said.
Activists said rebel fighters overran regime defenses and captured the Tishrin Dam, near the town of Manbij, before dawn on Monday.
The rebels have scored a series of hard-fought strategic advances recently. On Sunday, they captured a regime helicopter base outside Damascus before pulling back for fear of government airstrikes.
Amateur videos posted online showed gunmen inside the dam's operations room as an employee sat in front of five screens speaking by telephone about the level of water behind the dam. Another video showed gunman in front of dozens of green wooden boxes apparently full of munitions.
A fighter opened one of the boxes showing that it contained hand grenades.
"The Free Syrian Army has fully liberated the Tishrin Dam,'' one of the rebels could be heard saying."