Is the Mayan Calendar Correct about December 21?
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Is the Mayan Calendar Correct about December 21?
by Gene Wilkes on Friday, November 30, 2012
This article is courtesy of More Living Magazine.
The Mayans thought they knew when the world would end and calculated that end date as 12-21-2012. Their math has fueled talk show topics, documentaries, and the full-length sci-fi movie "2012," released in 2009. The hype will only escalate this month as the date approaches.

The Bible is clear: Only God knows the day when the world will end. When the disciples asked Jesus about His second coming and the end of the age, Jesus didn't mince His words:
Now concerning that day and hour no one knows - neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son - except the Father only. (Matthew 24:36)
Although the end date of 12-21-12 is as fictional as the movie depicting it, someday Earth will exhale its last breath. Scripture verifies this in 2 Peter 3:7-13. But the current end-of-the-world fear permeating 12-21-12 creates an amazing opportunity for seasoned followers of Christ to explain, with calm confidence, that there's no need to fear the end of the world when you know Jesus, the Savior of the world.
Mayan math
To maximize the evangelistic opportunity the hubbub about 12-21-12 creates, it's good to know a bit of history - both Mayan and biblical. The 12-21-12 end date is built on the assumption that the Mayans, a culture living in what is now southern Mexico, calculated time correctly. The calendar math of the Mayans was based on what they observed in the heavens, their calculations of time and seasons, their idea of when all things were created, and their forecast of when all things would end.
The Mayans were intelligent people. However, their calculations were fatally flawed; they were not based on the revelation of God's purposes and plans. The Mayans only had their math, and when that ran out, their time ran out, along with their hope. They (as any other culture without Jesus at the center) lacked one key fact: God revealed in Scripture that Jesus would come to Earth as the Savior of all the redeemed, as the divine solution to death.
In hindsight, it's easy to see just how accurate Scripture's foretelling was. God's story was accurate every time it mentioned the birth of Jesus or His coming to Earth. The Bible holds the revelation of God and His plans to send His Son, Jesus, to reconcile the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). God's timing is superior and faultless. Verifying this only requires a review of the prophecies in the Bible about the birth of Jesus. Understanding and using these facts when discussing 12-21-12 fear provides indisputable evidence for calming unnecessary anxiety.
God's math of time
God has used math throughout history to demonstrate His divine plan. He revealed the math of time to the prophet Daniel during the Jews' exile from their homeland in the sixth century B.C. (Daniel 9:24-27). An angel gave Daniel calculations of time in weeks of seven. Many Bible scholars have offered interpretations about the 70 weeks to explain the mysterious math of Daniel's vision. But what is most intriguing is that if you interpret "weeks" to mean "years," which has textual support, you find that at the end of the first "seven weeks/years" in Daniel's time, you come to the rebuilding and restoration of Jerusalem. Count the "62 weeks" as 62 units of seven years, and those weeks of years culminate in the coming of Jesus, "the Anointed One."
Some Bible scholars believe the 70th week is yet to come and points to the future return of Jesus as the risen and triumphant Lord. But it is important to again focus on the words of Jesus: "no one knows ... except the Father only." The date of Christ's return must not be our focus; our role is to be alert and active in spreading the gospel each and every day (Matthew 24:42).
Unlike the Mayans, we place our hope not in math calculations but in Jesus Christ, who will fulfill a promise He made while on earth: "Your heart must not be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also" (John 14:1-3).
The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are all part of God's plan to demonstrate His love to all people. Trusting in Jesus replaces fear with faith, mortality with an amazing eternity with God. God's revealed plan trumps how othercultures count their days and mark the meaning of their lives. Jesus' coming was not some random, cosmic accident embraced by a group of people to validate their beliefs, but part of God's plan revealed in time to demonstrate His love for all people for all time - a love that cancels out fear. History is His story, and God not only revealed His plan in time, He accomplished it.
Evangelism now
The Mayans were wrong. But as the media hype surrounding 12-21-12 escalates, let's boldly dispel that hype and the fear surrounding it with the truth and hope grounded in God's infallible Word. We do not know the true end date of Earth, but let's embrace the opportunities 12-21-12 creates to discuss faith in Jesus Christ with our neighbors, coworkers, and friends - as well as those we meet along the way. Let's maximize the discipleship moments this date creates for the young people in our lives, especially our grandchildren. With Jesus Christ at the center of history and the future, we have a unique opportunity to impact those around us for all eternity.