Sunday, December 2, 2012

#Mayan Long Count calendar begins in 3,114 BC, measuring time in 394-year periods, Baktuns. The thirteenth Baktun ends around Dec21,

 Long Count calendar begins in 3,114 BC, measuring time in 394-year periods, Baktuns. The thirteenth Baktun ends around Dec21, 2012.
9mTiny Klout Flag41xiey® ‏@xieyrocksta
and for those yang masih bertanya tanya pasal kiamat 21 dec 2012 tu, have faith. itu hanya ramalan puak mayan.
1hTiny Klout Flag38Michael C. ‏@enemyfriendly5
Am I the only person who is hoping this Dec 21 Mayan calendar nonsense is the real deal? Can't wait, gonna reclaim my birthright... BeeeWARE
1hTiny Klout Flag23Fidel Robles ‏@ciaofidel
NASA on Mayan apocalypse: No rogue planet or near-Earth object close to planet ahead of Dec21 prediction.  via 
1hTiny Klout Flag51Vik-karni ‏@vikramuk
Now I feel if World doesn't end on 21 Dec, 22nd will be last day for all Mayan things on Earth! 
1hTiny Klout Flag40Marina Sofia ‏@MarinaSofia8
In Panicky Russia, It’s Official: End of World Is Not Near (but it's not21 Dec. yet...) 
1hTiny Klout Flag47Mujtaba Shaikh ‏@ShaikhhMujtaba
Haha Oh my. “: The Mayan apocalypse is coming! Watch these 21 films before Dec21 |  (via )”
3hTiny Klout Flag48GIBBspeaks ‏@9786787
The Mayan apocalypse rumors began with claims that a planet discovered by the Sumerians, will crash into Earth on Dec 21, killing everyone
3hTiny Klout Flag57Hendratno ‏@array064
NASA on Mayan apocalypse: No rogue planet or near-Earth object close to planet ahead of Dec21 prediction (aya2 wae).
3hTiny Klout Flag62AJ Sargent ‏@BertoClicq
the mayan calendar ends dec 21, 2012. but, what happens december 31 every single year? we start over again. don't believe the hype