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Clinton cancels Middle East trip because of ill health http://reut.rs/TS0Jk2
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Dec10: #Skeptical Syria is preparing to use its chemical arsenal but Fierce clashes around Daraa Al-Baladhttp://egyptday1.blogspot.com/2012/12/skeptical-syria-is-preparing-to-use-its.html …
US Labels Syrian Rebel Group as Terroristshttp://m.voanews.com/rss.jsp?id=3132&rssid=25273271&item=http%3a%2f%2fwww.voanews.com%2frss%2fmobiletech.aspx%3farticleid%3d1562475&cid=25228001&show=full … #Syria
Number of #Syria refugees registered in neighbouring countries & North Africa passes 500,000: http://yhoo.it/UvUnDh
Syrian rebels reveal PlayStation-controlled tank http://huff.to/TQcl7Y