Dec5: Ex-Libya minister tells of death fearsm Dr Hamroush said she became a marked women
Dec3: “Mercury, Saturn and Venus aligned on Dec 3, 2012 with the Pyramids at Giza.
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Magruders - PerfectSTranger - Late 80's Early 90's - Robby.wmv
Aug17: #Egypt's M.B. islamic president 'to visit Iran' - first such visit since overthrow of the shah in 1979
Why Is Chemical Warfare Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria?
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Robby Ball - Google+ - Just coming up for air after my second Antarctica…
Robby Ball - Google+
Robby Ball - Google+ - For #beethursday +Bee Thursday by +Dorothy Pugh…
Robby Ball - Google+
Nov15: #Syria As new Opposition forms at #Qatar meeting, #Israel finally loses patience & returns fire to Syria
Dec5: #Syria USS Eisenhower 8,000 men, arrived at the Syrian coast yesterday, potential ground intervention
Dec5: US ramps up threats in 'psychological' war on Assad, Clinton warned
Dec5: #Syria USS Eisenhower 8,000 men, arrived at the Syrian coast yesterday, potential ground intervention
Robby Ball - Google+ - Just 15 Days till the Alpacalypse
Robby Ball - Google+ - Thanks to Almighty for this day and for all the blessings…

Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream
Robby Ball - Google+ - SundownIt was a great day hiking and taking photos near…
Nov15: #Syria Border guards foiled an attempt to smuggle 35 missiles coming from Libya
Nov18: #Israel How does Israel's #IronDome missile shield work? #Gaza | Egyptday1
Dec5: Why Is Chemical Warfare Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria? Assad may be preparing to use
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