RIM pays developers $500,000 to build apps for BlackBerry Research in Motion will look into strategic alliances with other technology companies once it has launched its new BlackBerry 10 models, its chief executive told a German newspaper. German... 10http://www.zdnet.com/rim-pays-developers-500000-to-build-apps-for-blackberry-10-7000009999/ … #PortAThon
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I am not sure what this portends for RIM.. any thoughts +Mohamed Mansour or+Maria Pirsic
FRANKFURT - Research in Motion will look into strategic alliances with other technology companies once it has launched its new BlackBerry 10 models, its chief executive told a German newspaper. German...
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RIM may sell the business after running BlackBerry 10 January 21, 2013 RIM Research in Motion is planning to enter into strategic alliances with other