Cueva delas Manos Argentina
Not far from the tip of South America.Did you catch the date of these hand stencils…11000 BC to 7500 BC?

Note the land bridge that seems to exist between the tip of South America and the Antarctica in this image in this link.
Argentina is just a hop, skip and a jump from island to island till you get to Antarctica. I also believe the Flem-Aths are correct in where they place Atlantis…and Antarctica is certainly a candidate for a potential Atlantis/Eden of the future once the shift occurs. Suz you said: “10,000 BC (or earlier) flood wreaks havoc with geneologies” Now we can’t have anomalies screwing with the narrative that suggests a chosen tribe of people exists, eh?
So what happens when I connect the Lo Shu (I Ching) to the 7000 year old swastika, also to an Arabian alchemist, and 4 Royal Persian Stars? HIS-story is only a narrative not to be taken literally…IMHO. Archetypes that existed long before Jesus suggest he is simply an attempt to blend both the Sun (Christmas / Winter Solstice) and the Moon (Passover / Easter / Muslim New Year) into ONE deity. Why are all the main players in the Bible, kinda sketchy, and little or no proof at all of their REAL existence can be found.
The Bible often (too often for my liking) being the only source for many of its silly claims? Suz the Bible (IMHO) is a narrative like many many many others, a masterpiece … but it is not the real McCoy, it certainly does not stand alone.
It is a synthesis, a refinement, but still it is what it is, an attempt to invent a once-size-fits all theology. What do we do with the Buddha? Relegate him to second class citizen? Jesus does not work as a person or as the Son of God.
But I can see Jesus in fact representing both the MOON and also the feminine sacred. And I can see the MOON playing a role come 2012…without a doubt. Thus is Jesus the mythical messiah…or a Moonie? Want me to see if I can find an ancient Jesus depicted / hung on an ancient swastika? I agree with Joseph Campbell, the Torah, the Koran and the Bible are ALL ‘war mythologies’.
Does anybody need proof that Joseph Campbell was full on in his assertions?
So why do I feel the need to go on and on about marginalizing the self-serving bible babel? For the reasons noted above and because it is in fact a literal self serving interpretation that has divided people, not united them.
So why do I feel the need to go on and on about marginalizing the self-serving bible babel? For the reasons noted above and because it is in fact a literal self serving interpretation that has divided people, not united them.

Let me continue with the above post.
So in the above photo taken from google I have tagged the location of Cueva delas Manos, Argentina with a blue dot (in the top left of the image), here is where those ‘hand stencils’ were found, made around the same time of Plato’s Atlantis… And we can plainly see how the tip of South America is connected quite intimately with the a series of islands, a range of mountains beneath the surface….
…again notice the sublime poetry of the narrative that transcends time and space…the allegory of Plato’s cave…the mind observing the shadows…the consciousness directed by diffuse light, most of the light and heat provided for by fire. The flames casting eerily lit shadows, the snap, crackle and pop of the animals residing within the living flame in stark contrast to the light cast by the sun. So how would an asymmetrical brain try to express itself in an asymmetrical*diverse universe?
Use your chiral asymmetric hands.
*the universe was declared asymmetrical by the particle physicist in 1957.
6 months before I was born into this imperfect world.
The expert wankers spoiled my birth-day party.
Now I want to spoil theirs, the experts that is…they need to be reborn with a new vision. Use more of their asymmetrical brains…
Stop being dominated by the PatriARK that resides in the Left hemisphere of the mind, barking out orders, getting everyone to participate in a global goose-step… Hopi Elders and Maya Elders have agreed their ‘creation cosmology and prophecies’ are one and the same. According to Drunvalo. April 2009 there will be a meeting of these elders in Sedona, Arizona.
The second thing I want to mention…the Hopi/Anasazi/Maya/? speak of migrating from the south. Because the ‘door’ in the north was frozen and blocked. Now think about the C.S. Lewis tale of Narnia and the White Witch, and the return of Aslan, which is in FACT accompanied by a THAW…read the headlines recently? Anyway what does the ART suggest will happen next in LIFE, eh? “Our Father who ART in heaven”, so maybe we should ask the father who maketh ART in heaven?
Quote: |
The Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Quiche Maya in Yucatan also states the the Mayan ancestors originated in seven womb-caves or ravines, left Tulan Pa Civan and crossed the sea on stones placed in a row-similar to the stepping stones by which the Hopi crossed the sea. Book of the Hopis -Frank Waters |
Not a coincidence there is much much much interest down under these days.
Ever heard of Lake Vostok? It promises to be…the next Garden of Eden, a pristine environment under 2-4 kms of ice.
Ever heard of Lake Vostok? It promises to be…the next Garden of Eden, a pristine environment under 2-4 kms of ice.