Saturday, May 4, 2013

‏@Al_Horford21h Thanks to all the Hawks fans for all the support. I'll be working to be better! Go Hawks!

Al Horford

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Official Twitter Page of Atlanta Hawks star Forward/Center Al Horford

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  1. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford21h
    Thanks to all the Hawks fans for all the support. I'll be working to be better! Go Hawks!
  2. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford21h
    No terminamos como queríamos, pero estoy orgulloso del equipo y como peleamos la temporada entera.
  3. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford21h
    Not the way we wanted the season to end, but I'm proud of the team and how we fought all year.
  4. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford2 May
    No se pudo hoy. Ahora a enfocarnos en el próximo juego. Go Hawks!
  5. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford2 May
    Tough one tonight, but focus on game 6 now! Go Hawks!
  6. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford30 Apr
    Tremenda victoria! Se empato la serie señores. Go Hawks!
  7. Tiny Klout Flag82Al Horford ‏@Al_Horford30 Apr
    Great win for us! Series all even now. Go Hawks!