Tuesday, November 17, 2015

30 STATES SAY NO Want to bet Obama will demand Syrian refugees go to states that said no?

  1. There's plenty of states willing to take the refugees. How much do you want to bet Obama will demand they go to states that said no?
  2. No coincidence that most states that reject Syrian refugees are same ones that sued to block Obama's exec action on immigration
  3. If 27 states are refusing to take in Syrian Refugees, I think that's the definition of Democracy saying, NO to Obama's plan to take them in.
  4. It's a twofer. Despite the fact Obama's policies over time ain't no safe haven either. The states can be xenophobic and posture against him.
  5. several states are saying no to the "adopt a terrorist program". mr. Obama should draw another red line in the sand sometime soon.
  6. RT StockQuick: JimmyForTrump Soon it will be 48 States against DC and California. Hawaii? No idea. Vote