- Inner Donald and 71 others followThere's plenty of states willing to take the refugees. How much do you want to bet Obama will demand they go to states that said no?5 retweets8 likes
- Timothy Neal and 17 others followNo coincidence that most states that reject Syrian refugees are same ones that sued to block Obama's exec action on immigration #xenophobia35 retweets14 likes
- Dressing Cute and 1 other followIf 27 states are refusing to take in Syrian Refugees, I think that's the definition of Democracy saying, NO to Obama's plan to take them in.9 retweets27 likes
- Human Rights Forum and 18 others followIt's a twofer. Despite the fact Obama's policies over time ain't no safe haven either. The states can be xenophobic and posture against him.
- Governors of these states have said NO to Syrian refugees: http://dailym.ai/1X4itpK20 retweets14 likes
- Anti-Establishment and 57 others followseveral states are saying no to the "adopt a terrorist program". mr. Obama should draw another red line in the sand sometime soon.12 retweets13 likes
- World Zig Zag RetweetedRT StockQuick: JimmyForTrump Soon it will be 48 States against DC and California. Hawaii? No idea. Vote #Trump2016… http://ift.tt/1H21YZd2 retweets2 likes
- Lady Patriot RetweetedStates Say 'No' to Obama's Syrian Refugees http://nation.foxnews.com/2015/11/16/states-say-no-obamas-syrian-refugees … DO NOT BRING THEM HERE @realDonaldTrump @SenTedCruz @AmbJohnBolton
- TheGreatWallofTrump and 2 others RetweetedHALF of America's governors say no to refugees... http://dailym.ai/1MiSA2I321 retweets272 likes
- BREAKING: 1st DEMOCRAT gov joins list to say NO to Obama's phony Muslim migrants. Total at 15! #ObamasMigrants http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/michigan-and-alabama-first-two-states-to-say-no-to-accepting-muslim-migrants/ …