- Freedom Wins and 187 others followIn light of two of the Paris Assassins being Syrian refugees ~ 30 states say NO to refugees a very wise decision77 retweets72 likes
- CONSERVATIVE RetweetedHuckabee: There's No Responsibility to Import #Terror into the US #NoSyrianRefugees http://bit.ly/1S1O8XB #tcot26 retweets31 likes
- Vote-for-MrTrump and 14 others followHad missed this: Being on the no-fly list doesn't put you on a no-buying-a-gun list /via WashPo http://wpo.st/iFPo032 retweets11 likes
- Laura Newbie likedHALF of America's governors say no to refugees... http://lat.ms/1X4wSlQ
- Carolina Girl and 3 others RetweetedMany states refusing to accept #SyrianRefugees, but State Dept. says they may have no choice http://abcn.ws/1OdffOE317 retweets254 likes
- Since July Illinois has had no budget. This is how it has affected the indebted state http://econ.st/1X49yVo49 retweets63 likes
- NEW: More states say "no" to Syrian refugees after #Paris attacks; but some say "yes" http://cbsn.ws/1SUmeh5160 retweets108 likes
- Monique Hohnberg likedCan states refuse refugees? No, but they can make it more difficult http://cnn.it/1Qr9OyT320 retweets345 likes
- 7 states say no to Syrian refugees. See what states and would love to hear from you! http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/11/16/u-s-governors-say-no-to-refugees …