- Jonathan Copley and 166 others follow.@GovChristie is doing a fabulous job. Crazy that he is not on main stage sharing his thinking and presence with more. #GOPDebate56 retweets103 likes
- Rick Hartzfeld liked
- Candidates boycott the "who's your favorite Democrat" question. #gopdebate4 retweets15 likes
- Iamregenman and 30 others follow.@chrischristie: What bothers me most is that they're (Congress) not standing behind the police officers in this country. #GOPDebate52 retweets84 likes
- Stonewall Dems AZ and 199 others followIf you ever think I'm being unfair in my criticism toward GOP candidates, please remember this tweet. #GOPDebate
- Jindal to Christie: I'll give ya a medal and a juice box, but it's about results, not just talking about limiting spending. #gopdebate3 retweets10 likes
- Undercard @FoxBusiness #gopdebate moderators doing excellent job facilitating real debate between candidates http://www.foxbusiness.com/live-coverage/fox-business-network-wall-street-journal-gop-debates?intcmp=whatshot …118 retweets198 likes
- .@GovChristie: @HillaryClinton is coming for your wallet everybody... Worry about her. #GOPDebate https://amp.twimg.com/v/1555c9fd-11de-42dd-a89b-74246ab38f54 …