Saturday, December 5, 2015

SATURDAY #Poll VOTE FOR PRESIDENT - New Poll Shows #Sanders Surge. Clinton smiles

Shared publicly  -  8:37 AM

SATURDAY   #Poll VOTE FOR PRESIDENT -  New Poll Shows #Sanders Surge. Clinton smiles after just being asked about rape accusations? #Reagan (11 mass shootings) #BushSr (12 mass shootings) #Clinton (23 mass shootings) #BushJr(16 mass shootings) #Obama (162 mass shootings) #Cruz and #Rubio reject climate change and say there is NO GLOBAL WARMING   #election2016 

Twitter Poll : 

Clinton attacking Chicago Police Department's tactics. Carson calls California mass shooting a 'hate crime'  Ted Cruz asks Congress To Examine Global Warming to see if its Real (or Obama's imagination) Sanders’ wants to End Drug Testing for Weed. Conservatives, Dems, independents alike all want trump All political outlets have declared war on Trump. The #Media  (including Fox) The #Democrats , The#Republicans  Anonymous #PAC groups, and a HUGE ARMY of minimum wage#socialmedia  retweaters using #twitter   #facebook   #google  and every SEO strategy known to marketers. Clinton to pitch plan to spend $350 billion on infrastructure., Sanders introduces bill ending federal marijuana ban. Rubio says he'd cut taxes on the poor. Cruz: wants to abolish the IRS code. Carson Attacks Bernie Sanders And Tax-Funded College.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Sanders Reaches New High in Support: Poll.  Bill Clinton opening fundraising spree for wife's 2016 campaign. TV networks can’t find common ground in dealing with Trump. Ted Cruz could actually be the Republican nominee for president  Democratic primary voters believe#Trump most difficult to beat... Hillary Clinton says she would not support a formal declaration of war against ISIS. Sanders is the most popular senator in America with an approval rating of 83% Edging right, Clinton seeks distance from Obama on ISIS. Rubio backer behind new anti-Ted Cruz ad  The new anti-Cruz ad hits the Texas senator for his support of the USA Freedom Act. #Cruz loves this country and like so many of us is appalled by the Obama debacle #GOPDebate #Clinton#Sanders #Cruz #Carson #trump #clinton2016 #Clinton   #trump2016  #sanders2016   #feelthebern   #bush #Carson2016 #Vote #GOP #Election2016#Trump   #HillaryClinton #ElectionDay   #DemDebate #Republican #Benghazi#Polls #Foxnews #Carson #Election #FeelTheBern #BenCarson #JebBush#BernieSanders #JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain #TrumpTsunami #TrumpLandslide  #MakeAmericaGreatAgain 

Todays poll that includes #BUSH  and #Carson
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