- Alinsky 101 Using race to push an agenda Blacks see bias in Obama's focus on Muslims not Scalia Successor http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/18/us/politics/blacks-see-bias-in-delay-on-antonin-scalia-successor.html …
- Should Obama nominate Justice Scalia's replacement? Your answer may depend on how much history you know http://nyti.ms/20EPACx
- GOP senator breaks with leadership: Obama should nominate Scalia replacement http://hill.cm/uD5ndqG43 retweets47 likes
- Monica Bayers and 199 others followSandra Day O'Connor says Obama should "get on with" replacing Scalia http://huff.to/1Xz1e1P
- Dixie for Trump and 199 others followScalia killed / murdered on 44th day of year. Obama is 44th President of USA.22 retweets35 likes
- Fixer Guy RetweetedSome African-Americans see effort to delegitimize Obama in delay on a Scalia successor http://nyti.ms/1U9jqz4709 retweets1,150 likes