- #PopeFrancis: Donald Trump "is not Christian" if he wants to build wall between US & Mexico http://cnn.it/20GHyZR287 retweets272 likes
- All you helpful folks trying to "educate" me on Trump? I watch every rally he does & read about him 15 hrs a day. Let me help educate YOU.38 retweets71 likes
- Alex RetweetedLIVE: Trump says pope will wish and pray he was president if Vatican is attacked by Islamic State. http://reut.rs/1UauiN2 More
- Tyler Durden RetweetedTrump's statements about W and WMDs are him doing wheelies on the way to the nomination. http://bit.ly/1XzZBRo82 retweets204 likes
- Video on how @realDonaldTrump's BORDER WALL can easily be built with Precast Concrete! --> https://youtu.be/NkSo0QQLUfE #Trump2016 #TrumpTrain
- Pope Francis made remarks about Donald Trump soon after he had concluded a trip to Mexico http://nyti.ms/1UatV58669 retweets806 likes
- BREAKING: Pope says Donald Trump is "not a Christian" because of his views on immigration.641 retweets402 likes
- BREAKING: Asked about Trump, Pope Francis says anyone who wants to build a border wall isn't Christian.1,118 retweets763 likes
- Pope Francis on Trump: "A person who thinks only about building walls...is not Christian." http://abcn.ws/1SUzhlX421 retweets397 likes