- Mikerollin and 1 other RetweetedSOUTH CAROLINA TRUMP 42% Cruz 20% Rubio 15% Kasich 9% Bush 6% Carson 6% http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-south-carolina-still-solidly-for-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/ …42 retweets41 likes
- Jen Olney RetweetedCBS NEWS POLL: Who won the #GOPDebate: Marco Rubio 32% Donald Trump 24% John Kasich 19% Ted Cruz 12% http://cbsn.ws/1QfikSK #Marcomentum46 retweets54 likes
- Kasich: "I don't think Harry Truman could get elected through this process." Uh yeah, he became president when his boss died.24 retweets63 likes
- Hector Morenco and 69 others followNote the numbers for Kasich: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-who-won-the-cbs-news-republican-debate-2016/ …13 retweets14 likes
- Kasich:Obama should't pick justice so "the people can have a say." Didn't we "have a say" in 2 elections that picked Obama for 2 full terms22 retweets83 likes
- Dixie for Trump and 61 others followGOPe = TRAITORS! Retweeted Daniel Scavino Jr.@johnkasich Kasich is a two faced liar that has RUINED Columbus Ohio with flooding it with Somolians w/ machete's!GOPe = TRAITORS! added,80Daniel Scavino Jr. @DanScavino.@JohnKasich playing Mr. NICE GUY at #GOPDebate. Let me remind you- he spent $7,000,000.00 in @realDonaldTrump attack ads w/ his PAC. #FAIL7 retweets6 likes
- NEW ARG South Carolina Poll TRUMP 35% Kasich 15% Rubio 14% Cruz 12% Jebra 10% #Trump2016 http://bit.ly/1U0YFFN29 retweets41 likes
- INARA and 122 others followMona Eltahawy Retweeted PP South Atlantic SCKasich -the soft-spoken "uniter" -has the worst record on reproductive rights of all nominees, backed by the "Lord."Mona Eltahawy added,44PP South Atlantic SC @PPSATSCSo @JohnKasich wants to ensure the rights of women overseas? What about the rights of women in his own state? #NotMyCandidate #GOPDebate23 retweets20 likes
- Saska Mare Reagan RetweetedBREAKING .. New CBS SC Poll has @realDonaldTrump with a yuge commanding lead! Trump 42% Cruz: 20% Rubio 15% Kasich: 9%139 retweets132 likes
- Small Biz for Trump Retweeted Jenifer StevensThinking more and more Trump/Kasich too.Small Biz for Trump added,53Jenifer Stevens @JeniferStevens@SmallBiz4Trump @pbonn1989 I think Trump /Kasich would be a good ticket but I can also see others as well3 retweets5 likes