- Sophia angel pantopo and 199 others followHow to win a Republican debate the John Kasich way: yell less. Smile more. http://on.mash.to/1obDlAR67 retweets69 likes
- Trump 4 America likedClear there were 4 losers tonight: 1. Kasich 2. Carson 3. Jeb Bush @JebBush 4. RNC More clear to me 2night we don't need politicians.43 retweets95 likes
- While Trump tries to destroy Bush and Rubio and Cruz are slapfighting, John Kasich stands out as a voice of reason. http://on.mash.to/1TiSJbD281 retweets483 likes
- John Kasich is winning the race to be the least yelly Republican. http://on.mash.to/1PUeRXE #GOPdebate
- sjsturkie RetweetedJohn Kasich made it clear he has the experience, temperament & know-how to lead our nation as Commander-in-Chief.148 retweets449 likes
- FLresident4Trump and 1 other RetweetedFinal #GOPDebate speaking times: Trump 15:59 Cruz: 13:58 Bush: 10:48 Rubio: 10:39 Kasich: 10:03 Carson: 8:37 http://politi.co/211Wow0