- Latest release brings total of classified e-mails on Hillary's server to 1,666 http://buff.ly/1QiI7JO58 retweets43 likes
- Moron Chuck Todd appalled at Cruz's 'Office Space' parody of Hillary http://buff.ly/1mD3CXU27 retweets40 likes
- The Mad fabe and 1 other likedAnd now for some good news: Ban on Internet taxes is about to become permanent http://buff.ly/1U0FImv43 retweets82 likes
- .@THEHermanCain: I think @tedcruz needs to finish 2nd or 3rd in South Carolina to substantiate Evangelical vote -OTR #greta @FoxNews34 retweets77 likes
- American Patriot and 1 other Retweeted