- Rebreather! RetweetedGOP campaigns are quietly bracing themselves for a brokered convention http://huff.to/1XvMoZG15 retweets7 likes
- K-rod Martin and 2 others RetweetedCampaigns secretly prep for brokered convention... http://politi.co/1omoYdT
- This is what I have been saying - the GOP Establishment will try to steal the nomination from @realDonaldTrump http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/11/marco-rubio-eyes-brokered-convention-after-new-hampshire-loss/ …
- Top news storyGOP campaigns discretely making plans for a brokered convention http://politi.co/2167nV7 #HotInCleveland #Election20160 retweets0 likes
- If @realDonaldTrump Leads in delegates & @GOP has brokered convention & Trump is not nominated do you write in Trump