- #TAMPA TRUMP CROWD of THOUSANDS Do ‘The Wave’ …AND IT’S HUUUGE! (Video) https://shar.es/14lfzs9 retweets10 likes
- Pokerman4Trump and 119 others followJoseph Monaco Retweeted Ali VitaliThe wave is HUGE!! Trump, Trump, Trump!!! @realDonaldTrump will #MakeAmericaGreatAgainJoseph Monaco added,4 retweets5 likes
- Dixie for Trump and 199 others followRichard Weaving Retweeted Jenna JohnsonVery Cool The TRUMP Wave ! #VoteTrumpRichard Weaving added,5 retweets5 likes
- Tampa Trump Crowd of Thousands do the Wave and it's Yuge
- Globalists have huge problem with #TRUMP. This evening Tampa FL rally stadium doing wave "We Want the Wall!" Exactly what globalists hate.25 retweets21 likes
- Millennial Views and 135 others follow#TAMPA #TRUMP CROWD of THOUSANDS Do ‘The Wave’ broke record set by Elton John by 4K people. http://linkis.com/thegatewaypundit.com/kET51 …
- Trump 4 America and 6 others RetweetedAs we wait for Donald Trump in Tampa, the wave goes around and around and around:269 retweets288 likes
- Saska Mare Reagan Retweeted