- Protesters do this but no media
had enough? VOTE
You know our men in blue will
15 retweets11 likes
- OBAMA'S BFF, BILL AYERS JOINS IN http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/03/bill-ayers-protests-trump-in-chicago/ …
- 'THREAT' TO STORM STAGE: Protesters threatened to storm stage during Trump's speech http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3488651/Trump-rally-called-Chicago-credible-threat-protesters-planned-storm-stage-Trump-s-speech-black-protester-bloodied-St-Louis.html …22 retweets16 likes
- J. D. Cagle and 4 others RetweetedThanks BLM protesters. You just handed Mr Trump another news cycle right before the Primaries. Seriously, LOVE you guys.136 retweets222 likes
- Inner Donald and 199 others followTrump Cancels Cincinnati Rally http://mojo.ly/1YJsVp373 retweets54 likes
- Karl Borchers and 4 others RetweetedThe hilarious part is that these protesters actually think they won last night when in reality, the probably just assured Trump's election.189 retweets294 likes
- Sophie angel pantopo and 199 others followCBS reporter detained while covering Trump rally, protest http://usat.ly/1peJpJs via @usatoday @jmestepa
- Conservative Blog and 199 others followIn a Slow-Motion Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Media Figures Embrace Trump One by One http://natl.re/YeOPmq29 retweets37 likes
- June Retweeted#Cruz lost tons of supporters tonight. The Tea Party & The GOP just died tonight! We are VOTING #TRUMP! http://on.msnbc.com/1pCz22A via @msnbc107 retweets119 likes