- Ted Cruz all over the news blaming Donald Trump for #BlackLivesMatter Chicago...While Talking about policies? Really? YOU LOST #GOPDebate15 retweets21 likes
- Billy Stone and 199 others followCan't believe Cruz using Chicago situation to campaign. So wrong.0 retweets2 likes
- VA DD214 and 147 others followCruz is on tv blaming the violence in Chicago on trump. I just lost all respect for Cruz. I was wrong abt him. I'm disgusted5 retweets5 likes
- Cruz blaming Chicago on Trump's tone too. #NotHelping #TrumpRally3 retweets5 likes
- Sad.Ted Cruz is basically blaming Trump for what happened tonight in Chicago. Video shortly, or watch live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO8KvsjmJSE …10 retweets4 likes
- Cruz calls tonight's violence in Chicago a "predictable consequence" of Trump's rhetoric and posture toward protestors.
- MRS. ROGERS likedCruz blaming Chicago rally riots on Donald Trump! What a weasel!3 retweets8 likes
- Ted Cruz basically just came out and said the way Trump runs his campaign caused tonight's problems in Chicago.2 retweets6 likes
- Trump the System and 179 others followTed Cruz sounds like Obama. "America is better than" Donald Trump. Sheesh. Neocon boy toy. Chicago riots planned by NWO GOPe.2 retweets2 likes
- Ted Cruz basically saying Donald Trump was asking for it tonight... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO8KvsjmJSE …
- CIA Media! Cruz 2 speak live about Trumps Chicago! SEE, all staged on purpose. Cruz to be alter boy! Trump bully who incited violence.3 retweets5 likes
- Da Juice RetweetedTeam Cruz tells me the senator is expected to address violence in Chicago tonight. More to come...18 retweets38 likes
- Ted Cruz speaks out on protests at Donald Trump rally in Chicago http://bit.ly/1LhLP4o
- Different scene in suburb of Chicago, where Cruz slated to speak momentarily. Suits, dresses, white wine, salads.187 retweets153 likes
- National✞Independent and 199 others follow
- 52c Retweeted@marklevinshow @O_IrishT @ted_cruz_news @WaltonNJohnson Massive escape of monkeys from Chicago zoo attackin Citizens2 retweets2 likes
- Chicago protests = BLM doing what it has been hired to do. By who? Take your pick: Soros, RNC, Cruz/Rubio, Hillary - Alinkyites all.63 retweets44 likes