- Romney is too much a coward to say what's really on his mind http://nyp.st/1QoSjNM via @nypost We know Mitt/Ryan plan to steal nomination.
- Carson Campaign Manager: Romney Attack Part of Establishment Plan To Steal Nomination From Trump At Convention http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/03/03/former_carson_campaign_manager_romney_attack_part_of_establishment_plan_to_steal_nomination_from_trump_at_convention.html …
- Marilyn Long and 1 other Retweeted@10thAmendment The Romey/Ryan plan is get to a brokered convention and then steal the nomination and present a Romney/Ryan Ticket
- BG Retweeted CNN PoliticsTrying to steal an election from the people. Romney and his thugs are UnAmerican. @realDonaldTrump @CLewandowski_BG added,81CNN Politics @CNNPoliticsFirst on CNN: @MittRomney's team explores blocking @realDonaldTrump at the convention http://cnn.it/24EmkQU36 retweets40 likes
- Trump supporter on CNN says Romney's speech was a play to "steal the nomination." Um, he hasn't won it!48 retweets97 likes
- Mitt Romney wouldn't even FIGHT for the election against Obama, but he'll help the establishment STEAL the nomination from Trump. #character405 retweets419 likes
- Dixie for Trump and 152 others followSo unfair to Trump! The GOP has let us down! I will follow Trump if he goes 3rd party! http://fb.me/4IWZ4N14i
- How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/01/how-the-gop-insiders-plan-to-steal-the-nod-from-trump/ … @BreitbartNews #Trump Romney, really?
- grandma panpan and 2 others RetweetedMitt Romney To Enter Race? Establishment’s Plan B To Steal Nomination From #Trump
God help us. #RedNationRising http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/mitt-romney-to-enter-the-race-the-establishments-secret-plan-b-to-steal-the-nomination-from-trump …
25 retweets20 likes - MRS. ROGERS and 1 other Retweeted
GOP's Plan to STEAL Election From #Trump, Insert #Romney
75M This is a MUST WATCH
http://youtu.be/Xt4oRhINk2E More
- MUST SEE! Plan to steal election from Trump exposed! @RogerJStoneJr: Romney to announce if Rubio loses Florida. https://youtu.be/Xt4oRhINk2E
- MUST WATCH & RT Plot 2 steal election & give 2 Romney Breaking: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan 2 Stop Trump http://www.infowars.com/breaking-insider-leaks-koch-bros-rubio-plan-to-stop-trump/ …6 retweets4 likes
- Donald Trumpkin and 6 others follow@TeamCavuto @MittRomney Mitt "Stinkbomb" Romney`s gonna try to steal delegtes in Cali enter race late like Bobby K. in 1968 #WakeUpAmerica
- The Trump Train and 3 others followDo not release ur tax @realDonaldTrump! Do not reveal ur biz secrets! Romney wants to steal ur business operation! @DanScavino @EricTrump0 retweets0 likes
- @Reince Would be wise to call off Romney.If RNC dirty tricks steal Nom from Trump we the people will destroy your candidate .