Saturday, March 12, 2016

Soros-funded thugs f/ #TrumpRally R laughing while #Cruz & #Trump ppl lash out AT EACH OTHER! Just what Left intended. Stop it!

  1. This Tweet is unavailable.
  2. . We DON'T know who organized the protests. We DO know & events have NOT been disrupted by protesters!
  3. After Chicago last night, Ted Cruz is now pro-Soros, pro-BLM, and anti-American. Trump needs your support.
  4. So, backs Bill Ayers, MoveOn, BLM and illegals over supporters. No doubt the globalist Cruz lost some followers last night.
  5.  In reply to 
    The people need to decide whether their choice is or We don't need a brokered convention coronating an idiot.
  6. Soros-funded thugs f/ R laughing while & ppl lash out AT EACH OTHER! Just what Left intended. Stop it! 11/8/16!
  7. In my eyes sided with thugs and with Democrat party who have ruined black lives for decades.
  8. Don't all you supporters feel duped! Vote
  9.  In reply to 
    Any chance MSM will start debunking Ted facade Truth about lying... Super Pac involvement... Homophobe ?
  10. Last night had their chance to stand w/Trump and the 1Amend. Neither did. They used opportunity for a stump speech. Cowards.
  11.  In reply to 
    totally sucked last night blaming Trump ~~ bad form, where was Ted's integrity on that
  12. and supporters crash free-speech at , Support !!
  13. America has reached critical mass something big needs to happen here& the American traitor say'sTrumps fault
  14. I really dont think and realize how badly their reaction to the riots has played in flyover country.
  15.  In reply to 
    except with we know he's somebody that has studied,understands,respects, the constitution.
  16. . Why don't we see style protests at or events preventing them exercising their right to free speech?
  17. loses many voters over saying fault for protestors. is a dirty politician.