Saturday, March 12, 2016

#WOW #Rubio just said 'third world images out of #Chicago.' Wow. We have a winner for Asshole of the Day.

  1. Wow.. just said 'third world images out of .' Wow. We have a winner for Asshole of the Day.
  2. , , and on TV this morning all sided with violent thugs in against everything the stands for.
  3.  In reply to 
    Right Now, 's calling 4 limiting Free Speech & blames fomenting racial tension, I guess being black
  4. Enough questions is getting dry mouth and needs a drink of water
  5. IF really bringing in Dems 2 vote 4 him most likely so they can run against weakest candidate Vote in
  6. Please-rational supporters--distance yourself from your candidate.
  7. is doing an excellent interview against the politics of anger. Really well done. Who'd have thought?
  8. Damn you were doing so well condemning w a backbone & authority until you remembered you're a puppet
  9. your sad my ass. You seem a little stressed. Maybe you need a nice foam bath
  10.  In reply to 
    NOTHING happened 2 the 1st Amndt YET, but is calling 4 its suppression today, claiming fomented it, not Bigots.
  11. HAS NEVER stoked divisive lines. your party stoked the visceral hate rightwing as path to Whitehouse
  12. is so uniformed. The NC suckerpuncher made the death threat before his arrest.
  13. said the protests at looked like "the Third World". 1) Outdated term and 2) WHAT THE FUCK NO THEY DID NOT. Idiot.
  14. stands in front of a sign that says "A New America" and wants to condemn ! TAKE A SEAT ! You all are THUGS!!
  15. press conference Saturday AM was the exact right tone regarding Chicago riot. Very presidential.
  16.  In reply to 
    I hope this is wake up moment for & supporters! They will sell us out.
  17. Did just blame Obama and the left for last night's even? 🤔
  18. It is amazing that are too stupid to realize that taking sides with violent suppression of the democracy will hurt them
  20. , , and on TV this morning all sided with violent thugs in against everything the stands for.
  21.  In reply to 
    NOTHING happened 2 the 1st Amndt YET, but is calling 4 its suppression today, claiming formented it, not Bigots.