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- Trump Nation 2016 and 40 others followBreaking: #Cruz may not appear on New Jersey Ballot due to #VoterFraud violations … #LyinTed #Trump2016 #Elections20160 retweets0 likes
- New Jersey is challenging Canadian Cruz's citizenship until he can prove that he is a natural born US citizen. retweets14 likes
- Ballot Access Fraud may Disqualify Ted Cruz in New Jersey Primary … #TCOT #WakeUpAmerica #RedNationRising #PJNET2 retweets2 likes
- Ted Cruz Risks Primary Disqualification in New Jersey - …
- InGoodTrumpany and 199 others followCruz Risks Primary DQ in New Jersey, Other Late-Primary States, Charges Professor Victor Williams WOW @LindaSuhler …
- Ted Cruz Voted Against Funding for Hurricane Sandy Relief & The 9/11 Responders Fund #NewYork #NewJersey43 retweets24 likes
- 12 retweets17 likes
- john handkock Retweeted Dark_Red_HairTed Cruz Risks Primary Disqualification in New Jersey, Other Late States. SYS-CON Media (press release)-Apr 8, 2016john handkock added,Dark_Red_Hair @Dark_Red_HairUr a cruzbot - UR THE ONE that's been fooled …3 retweets4 likes
- Linda Garriss and 2 others Retweeted8 States challenging Canadian Cruz’s citizenship … @in_high_cotton @JoJoSmiths @rey_lowe @Pudingtane @NavyVets4Trump29 retweets24 likes
- Marlin Shamoon RetweetedTed Cruz risks primary disqualification in New Jersey resulting from charges of ballot access fraud. … #NewJersey
- Bella Binks Tx4Trump RetweetedPatricia Murray Retweeted Bella Binks Tx4TrumpPennsylvania doesnt want Cruz either n,or does New Jersey. This is Trump Country. Cruz should not pull any crap herePatricia Murray added,62Bella Binks Tx4Trump @GypsydragupThat's what he gets for that disgusting remark. I will take the #NewYorkValues …17 retweets13 likes
- Eunice Stevens and 188 others followDonald Trump puts in play key states like New York, New Jersey, Ohio, MIchigan. Why a Trump Cruz ticket is a winner.0 retweets0 likes
Saturday, April 9, 2016
#Cruz may not appear on New Jersey Ballot due to #VoterFraud and Canadian citizenship, Ballot Access Fraud may Disqualify
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