- Billy Stone and 117 others followCorrupt @Reince is overseeing the collapse of the GOP with what he's doing in Tennessee to Trump delegates
- Morning Consult and 10 others followDivision, protests, fear, loathing at @tngop meeting to elect RNC delegates. Outcome: Insiders won. Anger persists. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/tennessee-gop-delegates-donald-trump-221500 …
- NEBRASKA FOR TRUMP and 199 others followTrump Campaign: Tennessee GOP Stealing Our Delegates http://ift.tt/1qe8lBT7 retweets4 likes
- lorischovanec and 199 others followFeel sick looks like @GOP stole delegates from #Trump2016 in Tennessee today, They can't beat him without robbing him ! #TrumpTrain8 retweets6 likes
- Copper Braden and 8 others RetweetedAttention Tennessee: CALL THE TN CHAIRMAN, RYAN HAYNES at 865-919-4094! Let him know you support the TRUMP delegates362 retweets273 likes
- Lacy and 199 others followDonald Trump's campaign says the Tennessee GOP is trying to unfairly appoint delegates http://cnn.it/1X6IeqP183 retweets141 likes
- Holly Retweeted
- Trump camp accuses TN GOP of stealing delegates... http://drudge.tw/1RTB5vM
- Lou Mancini and 2 others Retweeted#Trump camp accuses #TN #GOP of stealing delegates... http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2016/04/02/trump-camp-accuses-tennessee-gop-stealing-delegates/82545562/ …
- Nikki 4 Trump Retweeted.@TNGOP this is twitter acct of Tennessee GOP, as I write they're trying to steal Trump of democratically won delegates. FLOOD their feed!37 retweets26 likes
- Linda Garriss RetweetedReach Joey Garrison at 615-259-8236 Twitter @joeygarrison. Dave Boucher at 615-259-882 Twitter @Dave_Boucher1. http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2016/04/02/trump-camp-accuses-tennessee-gop-stealing-delegates/82545562/ …
- Tennessee Chair is blocking @realDonaldTrump delegates. This is UnAmerican #WomenForTrump @DanScavino @CLewandowski_ http://rockytoppolitics.com/26 retweets18 likes
- Ryan Haynes This @gop elitist pig is attempting to steal Trump's delegates in #Tennessee Flood his page #Trump2016 https://m.facebook.com/ryan.haynes.77?__xt__=12.%7B%22click_type%22%3A%22result%22%2C%22module_id%22%3A0%2C%22result_id%22%3A100002039468040%2C%22sid%22%3A%22638024678%22%2C%22browse_result_type%22%3A%22browse_type_user%22%2C%22module_role%22%3A%22NONE%22%2C%22module_result_position%22%3A1%7D …146 retweets89 likes
- Karen Retweeted Dan ScavinoKaren added,
81Dan Scavino @DanScavino
CALL THE TENNESSEE CHAIRMAIN, RYAN HAYNES at 865-919-4094! Let him know you support the TRUMP delegates! #Trump201630 retweets19 likes
- Tina Davidson and 1 other RetweetedTrump campaign: Tennessee GOP trying to ‘steal’ delegates http://hill.cm/wQHEhzC
- Trump Campaign: Tennessee GOP trying to steal Delegates from Trump Just like Louisiana http://hill.cm/dd4DQG8
- Trump had an easy win in Tennessee and earned 33 delegates! He received 38.9% of the support and 332,702 total votes! #WesternTuesday7 retweets37 likes
- Trump takes Tennessee and receive 0 delegates there.0 retweets0 likes
- James Stevens and 4 others followI like the Delegates of Tennessee ~ the nomination should go to who the people voted for its a grass roots... http://fb.me/7FbNhWIDi
- Billy Stone and 138 others follow@RavenHUWolf The Tennessee Delegates KNOW the Establishment is going to play dirty ... Delegates are preparing... https://soundcloud.com/breitbart/breitbart-news-daily-mae-beavers-joe-carr-march-21-2016?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_content=https%3A//soundcloud.com/breitbart/breitbart-news-daily-mae-beavers-joe-carr-march-21-2016 …